Monday, December 7, 2009

Settled In

I realised I promised follow-up from the New Place post... here ya go.

Still working on putting a photo collage across the blank wall...

Ferguson Canyon makes a nice backdrop for writing and studying.
Visitors welcome!
The Wasatch is calling YOU.
Now if you'll please excuse me, I have schoolwork calling/sucking my will to live. This semester ends THURSDAY. Get me out of here, I'd rather be skiing ;)


Santiago the Shepard said...

Hey there, friend. It was good to see you, too! You know, I haven't been climbing in so long, I almost forgot how much I like it.

Also, your place looks great! Well done!

Santiago the Shepard said...

Hey there, friend. It was good to see you, too. You know, I haven't been climbing in so long, I almost forgot how much I liked it.

Also, your place looks great! Well done!